William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Read Poetry Professors, (24  March  1792) Churchill, CharlesPoetry professors in The poetical works: in three volumes: with the life of the author 3. containing his Duellist, Gotham, Prophecy of famine, Times, Independence, Poetry professors. 1779

Mentions in the Diary


Dedication, (24  March  1792) Possibly the dedication to the edition of Charles Churchill's poetry that WG is currently reading.

Mentions in the Diary


Journey, (24  March  1792) Churchill, CharlesThe journey: a fragment. By C. Churchill. 1765

Mentions in the Diary


Observer, 4 papers (24  March  1792) Cumberland, RichardThe observer, being a collection of moral, literary and familiar essays. Editions were published in 1786, 1787-81, 1788-90, 1790-91

Mentions in the Diary